I recently read that “Twitter chats are business networking events – minus the dress code” in a blog post [check it out right here], and it got me thinking how formality is sometimes just an ornament. Media has changed so much over the years: company and consumer are no longer distant concepts as they used to be. Individual opinions and assessments matter in the market field and it is crazy how easy and fast it is to access this type of information.

Social networks are gaining a significant role in the gathering and dissemination of ideas once it captures the structure of a real-life human conversation; and there is no arguing the importance of interpersonal communication in concept understanding and knowledge development.

Twitter chats have proven to be quite effective tools to create a naturally resembled conversation where people can connect, exchange ideas and build social relations in a context-set environment. It is a practical way of increasing awareness in the business world, either as the company or as the consumer: On one side, giving a “face to the business”, and on the other staying informed on the industries’ common issues.

In a modern world where data and material are constantly being updated it can be overwhelming for the user – never knowing who to trust, where to look and how to filter what’s given. In my personal experience, twitter chats are very oriented and yet dynamic sources of information, ideas and inspiration that forces people to be critical thinkers. The engagement of a diverse set of people adds different values that enrich the conversation, which ends up humanizing the business world. Sometimes it’s easy to forget that real business is all about people.