Clark Perry, born and raised in Alabama, is a former award-winning journalist and currently a TV writer. After graduating Carnegie Mellon University’s SchoolClark Perry of Drama, Clark started his career making a living with words. It wasn’t always easy, rejections would come and go, and jobs weren’t always ideal (I’m sure writing and keeping record of obituaries was not his favorite part of the business). Still, giving up was never an option. So from short-stories, to advertising, to magazine editing, Clark built his yellow brick road. A road that could only lead to his true passion: creative writing. LA was his next destination, where he graduated from the Warner Brothers Television Writers Workshop in 2010. He was now ready to work on one of the most “magical storytelling medium” he ever knew – television.

Science fiction was definitely Clark’s forte.  A few of his TV jobs include “The Messengers” for CW, “Defiance”, and “V” for ABC. When asked about how to truthfully involve the audience, Perry’s answer as straightforward: “the emotion is somehow always greater than the plot itself”; it is essential to give focus to the character’s reaction on the situation presented – people like to relate, to understand and even fell how they feel, even in a fictional world.

If there is something I learned – once again – after my brief moment with Clark Perry is that EMPATHY is what truly moves the world.